Having recently opened an office in Colorado, it’s an exciting time for us at Aspen and South Florida PR Agency Durée & Company. We are working with a variety of clients, including Veritas Farms, Inc., a vertically integrated agribusiness focused on producing full spectrum natural phytocannabinoid-rich hemp extract. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil ― which has been all the buzz lately ― has become the hot new product.
Despite all of the news coverage, many still do not understand what it is, how it’s used, or if it’s legal. We thought it was time to shed some light on the topic.
Recognized nationally as a booming category in the wellness field, CBD products are appealing to a growing number of people, young and old, especially now that the 2018 Farm Bill has been signed into law, which legalizes hemp at the federal level. CBD is made from the non-intoxicating compounds (no psycho-active effects) from the hemp plant, and is known to promote wellness, as well as keep people resilient to changes in their environment. And while the human body naturally produces cannabinoids, (known as endo-cannabinoids), it is possible for the body to have deficiencies.
Cannabidiol is extracted from the flowers and buds of hemp plants. It doesn’t produce intoxication (marijuana’s “high” is caused by the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol [THC]). Many use cannabinoid products to treat a variety of ailments, from arthritis to sleeplessness to anxiety to inflammation. To ensure these products are effective, it’s important to look for those that utilize whole hemp oil, taking full advantage of hemp’s beneficial compounds.
Using only whole hemp oil and top-quality ingredients, Veritas Farms is a “Farm to Table” producer of CBD products. The brand’s full spectrum hemp oil products come in the form of lotions, salves, oils, tinctures, gummies and more ― even a line of products for pets. That’s right, for cats and dogs. Moreover, Veritas Farms is one of the few fully vertically integrated companies in the industry. The company operates a 140-acre farm and production facility in Pueblo, Colorado where they can control all of the growing, extracting, manufacturing, and bottling to ensure the quality, potency, and freshness of its products.
And while many other CBD brands are popping up, it’s important to do the homework on these companies to fully understand how their products are made, and where they’re sourcing their ingredients. Veritas Farms prides itself on its commitment to quality and authenticity and uses sustainable farming methods with no pesticides.
For more information and a video about Veritas Farms, click here; for an insightful Instagram post about Veritas Farms, click here.
There’s no doubt that this is just the start for the exciting and evolving arena of CBD. We at D&Co can’t wait to see where the market is heading, how the industry will be transformed, and how it will help consumers achieve better wellness.
About Durée & Company
Durée & Company, Inc. is an award-winning full-service public relations, marketing and special events firm with offices in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Aspen, Colorado. The firm serves the corporate, agency and non-profit arenas for local, national and international clients focusing on public relations for real estate, public relations for restaurants, public relations for law firms, public relations for charities, public relations for healthcare, and many more. Durée & Company services include Public Relations, Social Media, Marketing, Advertising, Special Events, and Radio Promotions and Outreach.