As president of South Florida PR firm Durée & Company, Durée Ross is honored to be recognized as one of South Florida Business Journal’s 2015 Influential Business Women. During the awards reception on May 21 at the Signature Grand in Davie, she’ll have the opportunity to say what the award means to her, in front of friends and associates.
In reflecting upon this award, Durée is pleased to share what being influential means at Durée & Company (hint: the little things have big influence):
1. It means being a connector.
Sometimes, influencing others to do big things is the most important job responsibility. Connecting the pieces of a puzzle for others so they can make things happen is oftentimes more significant than making things happen on your own. People begin to call on you because of the generosity of your spirit. Being in the background of a success feeds the soul in unimaginable ways.
2. It means having the power to bring a vision to reality.
Plans are lovely on paper, but seeing them become 3-D is the real thrill. Influencing others to lend their energies and investment to a dream you have signifies that what you are doing is important — and worth it. At some point, you have to take a leap — to open the office, create the exhibit, make the loan, hire the person or sign the contract — and others may follow you. When you celebrate the reality of whatever it is, your influence is tangible.
3. It means changing paths in big and little ways.
Imagine the world without you. What wouldn’t have happened? The seemingly little things are just as important as the big ones – that letter of recommendation, which turned into a job offer, which turned into a career path. That pitch, which turned into a news segment, which turned into a viral campaign that led to a global presentation. That handshake that turned into lunch, which led to a friendship that lasted for years. Influence can be a tiny ripple that turns into an enormous wave, so make every interaction as positive as you possibly can.
You never know.