Back in 1999, PR was a world of snail mailing press releases, costly in-person media tours and press conferences, second day news, news clips actually cut out from publications … how did we survive? But it was that year when a young, ambitious and extremely bright PR professional, Durée Ross, launched her own South Florida PR firm, Durée & Company.
Today, in a world of fast-paced electronic media and instantaneous news, Durée & Company is a renowned, award-winning PR firm. As we celebrate our 15th year with optimism and excitement, the Durée & Company team has come up with 15 things that we love about celebrating our impressive milestone.
15 Things We Love About 15 Years of Durée & Company:
1) Our clients. Without them, we wouldn’t be here.
2) Our award-winning office environment. Being in a beautiful space every day makes our work even more enjoyable.
3) The events. There’s always a chance to mix mingling and work. For example, BRIO Tuscan Grille in Plantation opened last month!
4) The team. We know our stuff, and we love working together. Our experience and skills are always expanding and evolving.
5) The fun. No two days are alike. Ever.
6) The opportunities to meet cool celebrities. We recently met R&B singer Ne-Yo at a Christmas gift giveaway for Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade.
7) The causes. Our team is the rallying cry for causes such as empowering young adults with autism (Rising Tide Car Wash), battling drunk driving (Walk Like MADD & MADD Dash Ft. Lauderdale), inspiring and educating youth (Crockett Foundation), and much more.
8) The food. Who knew that by working with amazing restaurants like BRIO Tuscan Grille, BRAVO! Cucina Italiana, and SONIC Beach, that food would be such a big perk of the job?
9) Other entrepreneurs. Meeting other established entrepreneurs and up & comers at events like the recent Women’s Success Summit always uplifts.
10) The swag. The Durée & Company logo looks good on everything!
11) The fashion. Photo shoots, networking and galas demand great attire!
12) Durée’s hubby. Dwayne Ross is either at the event with her or at home watching the kids. Go Team Ross!
13) Durée’s kids. Showing children that women can juggle well and often is so very important in today’s world.
14) Our mascot. Durée’s Blue Pied French bulldog, Bleu, serves as a perfect accessory.
15) The future. Plan all you want, but you can never really know what’s next. So far, it’s been a great ride.
Thanks for being there and supporting us every step of the way!