When it comes to events, Durée & Company has seen and done it all. We roll up our sleeves and help our clients work every element of the event – from inviting sponsors to join the cause to ensuring that the big day or night runs smoothly.
It’s ideal to sign with a public relations (PR) firm in the beginning stages of your event planning. This will help make sure that you get the media coverage you need to have the large turnout you’re likely looking for. It will also be important if your event is going to play out on an international or national basis. Following are key areas in which Durée & Company has stepped in, lent a hand and made a difference on a large, and small, scale.
We help you strategize
A PR firm will be able to assist you with strategizing your event, helping with every single aspect and keeping you organized throughout the entire process. Plus, a firm will help you with promotional activities that include, but are not limited to, press conferences, sponsorships, media tours, program launches, and analyst tours.
We promote our client, the event and the cause
A good firm will not only promote the event; it will also help promote your company or organization. This can significantly benefit your company in the long run; not just for the event. The firm will work diligently to create buzz, and make that buzz reach everyone who needs to hear it.
We ensure it runs smoothly
If your event is large scale, you can expect a lot of media coverage. For this reason, it’s helpful to have a PR firm on your side that will ensure the press is accommodated and everything runs as scheduled.
We lower your stress levels (to manageable levels)
Planning an event can be overwhelming for anyone. However, when you leave it to a firm that has lots of event planning experience, you’ll have less responsibility in the process and find that much of the weight can be lifted off your shoulders.
South Florida is “in season” until May, and events of all kinds will be filling calendars until our lovely snow birds fly home before summer hits. Of course, we also plan many stunning event during the summer months, too. Look for Durée & Company’s team at the best events in South Florida – because we helped plan them!