Content Development

Content that attracts attention and achieve goals.

The actual story sometimes isn’t the best part.

Ever notice how digital stories begin before the actual story does? Stay with us here.

Nowadays, you get a look at “Behind the Scenes,” “During the Shoot,” and “Bloopers” that didn’t make the final cut. Want to know the story’s inspiration? Click here. Want more details on the scenery? Click there. Want to know where you can buy the dress she was wearing? Really?! OK, click here.

Durée & Company is noticing this too, and we are investing in the technology and skill sets that will allow us to tell our clients’ stories from the very beginning to the very end. We are sending our own photographer/social media manager/content generator and videographer to the interview (or to conduct the interview), so we can capture all of the good stuff that may not make it on TV or into print.

The Durée & Company team is capable of doing this in-house. We see the future – okay, maybe not the actual future – but we DO understand the trends that allow us to accurately predict what’s next. The trends are saying that we need to produce our clients’ news and then, either hand it off to an overworked producer or editor or just post it ourselves and generate the buzz. Regardless of how this is achieved, Duree & Company can assure you that it is done the right way.

We are making friends in the journalism world by doing this. More and more often, newsmakers appreciate a segment they can plug in or a story they can put up on the site. It saves them time and as we all know, time is money. Since our clients trust us, they know we have the capability to produce a piece they will love and one that will get noticed.

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