
Staying In Tune with Your Brand

There’s no denying the media landscape is changing. As people consume it in new ways, traditional outlets like magazines, newsletters, newspapers and television face a new frontier in the realm of digital media: the podcast. Podcasts are a way to reach your audience, from consumers to business-to-business decision makers.

In today’s fast-paced public relations world, it’s important to stay on top of the latest innovations and trends ― and hands-free audio files are the way to do it. As a new source for in-depth stories and news, podcasts are ideal for professionals on the go. The audio files can be easily downloaded to a phone or streamed through a mobile app like iTunes. Most are even free.

As podcasts are becoming more widespread, they have become a go-to solution for businesses seeking to align themselves with a more targeted demographic. With a narrowed focus, businesses are able to discuss trending topics directly with their audiences. Furthermore, attributing and guest appearing on a podcast has ample value to reach a larger net of listeners. There is content out there for every interest and topic imaginable.

In a recent Buzz Sprout study, it’s estimated that by 2022, podcast listening will grow to 132 million people in the U.S. Translate that into marketing and advertising terms, and publicists are quickly all ears.

For those new to podcasts, and looking for some great places to get started, the D&Co Dynamos compiled a list of some of our favorite places to tune in.

Interested in starting a podcast to showcase your brand? We at D&Co have the expertise and insight to create podcasts that will reach your audiences with the right information, and keep them listening. Contact us today.

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