Speaking Engagements

Talk the Talk

Public speaking is something that is either extremely frightening or incredibly fascinating to most. Once conquering the fear, speaking engagements are a great way to grow your audience, establish credibility, and share ideas.

Speaking opportunities give our clients the chance to speak on a topic that appeals to a specific audience and serve to highlight the speaker’s expertise in a given field. With the right speaking engagement, in front of the right target audience, Durée & Company’s team of professionals help position your company and its executives as “thought leaders.”

Instead of waiting for a speaking opportunity to come, Durée & Company is proactive in researching upcoming expos, industry events and panel opportunities. Most engagements have long lead times for speaker submissions, so we are always identifying relevant opportunities. With our extensive list of contacts, we also improve the chances of acceptance as we focus on our client’s story, demographic, and unique positioning.

Not only do we identify the opportunity, but we coach you through the process. A captivating presentation often requires weeks of behind-the-scenes preparation. Between rehearsals, slide preparation, talking points, coordinating a professional headshot and writing a bio, our team will help you every step of the way.

While some are born with the public speaking talent, others need time to practice and perfect it. Ready to face your public speaking fears? Once most people get a taste of it, they can’t wait to do it again. Contact us. You’ll see.

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Images by Tom Craig Photography

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