In today’s media landscape there are a ton of marketing terms and language to navigate. Not only do top public relations agencies have a firm grasp of these concepts, but we also consider them vital components of performance-driven marketing strategies. At Fort Lauderdale and Aspen-based public relations and marketing agency Durée & Company, we have unraveled the mystery between owned and earned media, as illustrated by a well-crafted concept called PESO by Spin Sucks. Each of these mediums work independently. However, we know they work even better in concert with each other.
More importantly, it’s where a PR agency carves out opportunities for marketing a business or brand for maximum exposure.
What is Owned Media?
Simply put, owned media is maintained and controlled by a brand. A company’s website, blog, mobile app, official social media pages, print collateral and e-mail marketing campaigns are common examples. One of the main advantages of owned media is the complete control the brand has over it. The more owned media a brand has the more chances to extend its presence in the digital space and boost SEO rankings.
While there is an investment to be made for this branded property, the company owns what they create and becomes a multi-channel publisher in the process. Once this foundation is built, the longevity derives from driving traffic or audience eyeballs to it—which can be maintained and expanded upon by a public relations firm. By utilizing owned media, a brand can leverage its content to demonstrate thought leadership and share industry insights. By controlling the narrative, the brand can ensure that the messaging is in line with its overall mission.
What is Earned Media?
Earned media is content created about a brand but without the brand’s direct involvement. A traditional model is publicity generated through the help of a PR company and a strategic public relations plan. Earned media also includes word-of-mouth and social conversations, reviews of a product or service, blog post mentions and referrals and conversations in tangential communities.
Earned media can be garnered through third party endorsements, such as publishers, bloggers and influencers. Another way to look at it is earned media is different conversations occurring both online and offline about a brand. In other words, the mentions are “earned,” meaning they are voluntarily given by others. Earned media is genuine and helps a brand build authentic trust and loyalty. Examples of earned media include an article in a magazine or newspaper, an Instagram mention, an unsolicited review or a reshare of the company’s blog post.
Owned and earned media are two of the four pieces of the PESO model from SpinSucks. To learn more about the other components, read more here. This model serves as the backbone for a public relations agency to craft an amplified PR strategy.
At Durée & Company, we offer creative, customized plans that reach audiences, create buzz and drive results. If you are seeking to leverage the industry’s best PR agency, contact us today to get started.
About Durée & Company, Inc.
Durée & Company, Inc. is an award-winning, full-service public relations, marketing and special events firm founded in 1999. The firm has offices in Fort Lauderdale Florida, and Aspen, Colorado. Durée & Company serves the corporate, agency and nonprofit practice areas for local, national, and international clients. Services include public relations, social media, marketing, content development, advertising, special events, branding, radio promotions and more. Durée & Company clients include well-known names in business, fashion, hospitality, travel, health and wellness, cannabis and hemp, psychedelics, technology and cryptocurrency, marine and yacht, art and culture, nonprofit organizations, legal and professional services and real estate. Durée & Company is a member of PR Boutiques International™ (PRBI), an international network of boutique PR firms. To learn more, call 954-723-9350; go to dureeandcompany.com; cannabismarketingpr.com; or psychedelicpr.com. Join the social conversation and follow Durée & Company on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn at @DureeCoPR.