We use the following tools to create something special,
just for your brand.

Public Relations

Much More Than a Press Release

Public relations is now so much more than a press release and a blog. The world of PR has exploded thanks to new and expanding social media platforms, which give Durée & Company many more opportunities to disseminate information and tell our clients’ stories.

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Marketing & Advertising

Promote & Acquire

Going hand in hand with a strategic customized public relations plan is an equally strategic and customized marketing & advertising plan. When designed to work together, public relations, marketing and advertising create a synergy of buzz-worthy activity.

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Special Events

Let's Party

Durée & Company offers customized event planning services. From invitation design and production to strategic event partners, Durée & Company can help you produce an event to remember that will get the conversations started, and keep the buzz going.

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Social Media

Create, Share, Engage

These days, social media sites inevitably seem to pop up and take control of the conversation. Then, of course, there are the messaging sites: Yelp, Amazon, blog posts, and the countless comment-enabled sites, all of which can impact your brand, as well as require monitoring and proactive management.

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Crisis Management

Develop a plan

Even the best crisis management plan requires a public relations team that knows how to be flexible, responsive and intuitive. So, forget anything you may have heard that sounds like, “we’ll develop a public relations plan for every crisis — in advance.”

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Strategic Planning


We work with clients on strategizing, preparing and researching before we develop a Strategic Plan or begin executing their Public Relations campaign. As consultants, we hear our clients first. Once we understand what they need, our consulting expertise includes guiding clients through next steps.

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Content Development

Attract attention & achieve goals

We have invested in the technology and skill sets that will allow us to tell our clients’ stories from the very beginning to the very end. We send our own photographer/social media manager/content generator and videographer to  capture all of the good stuff that may not make it on TV or into print.

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Corporate Social Responsibility

PR for a Purpose

In today’s world, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is more important than ever.

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Radio Promotions


Durée & Company offers radio promotions that differ from the traditional buying ad time techniques. We have a special talent for getting radio DJs to sing clients’ praises on-air, without buying ads. We call it “delivering the package.”

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Community Affairs

The essence of public relations

Beyond employing traditional media, utilizing social media or purchasing advertising, Durée & Company has discovered that there is another important way to make friends and influence people.

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Promotional Items

Swag Customization

An ingenious way to stay top-of-mind with clients, fans, journalists, advertisers and friends is to leave behind a gift with your name all over it, but it can’t be just any gift. It has to be a good gift.

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This is what we do

What does your brand say about your company? If you don’t know, the team at Durée and Company is ready to help you answer that question.

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Website Design


What makes a website great? The short answer is, one that helps you accomplish your goals and reach your target audience. We here at Durée & Company work hand-in-hand with you to help you define, refine and — ultimately — pinpoint the goals you have for your business.

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Stay In Tune With Your Brand

Podcasts are a way to reach your audience, from consumers to business-to-business decision makers.

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Be the Content Queen (or King)

In the ever-changing online world where everyone has a voice, it can be hard to make your brand stand out from the noise. Brand identity and recognition are essential to the success of your business. But, what good is stellar branding if people can’t find you?

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Influencer Relations

Making the Case, One Influencer at a Time

Influencer relations is where public relations and social media interconnect. The communications and PR industries have evolved tremendously as a result of the power of social media.

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Affiliate Marketing

Collaboration That Pays

For many brands, affiliate marketing is a vital component of any digital campaign.

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The Power of Digital Storytelling

While optimized press releases, blogs, and e-newsletters are great forms of online content, we are constantly implementing new tactics that will keep your audience enthusiastic, engaged, and eager to share your business or product.

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Speaking Engagements

Talk the Talk

The right speaking engagement helps position your company and its executives as “thought leaders.”

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