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Stay Ahead of The Curve: Emerging PR Trends for 2018

By January 2, 2018March 23rd, 2021No Comments

In the last year, brands and publications have seen significant changes to the media landscape. At Durée & Company, we’ve kept our clients competitive in their diverse industries by adapting to and leveraging emerging trends year after year. What do we think is in store for marketing and public relations in 2018?

  1. Digital Storytelling and SEO

Brands can no longer afford to ignore their online presence and still grow their influence with customers. Human-focused storytelling will continue to grow, but the story will increasingly be told on an ever-growing variety of platforms. Search engine optimization (SEO) and other analytics tools will better inform and measure traditional public relations, bridging the gap between marketing, media relations, and digital media.

  1. A New Influencer Marketing Landscape

Influencer marketing is not just a buzz topic, but an integral part of many companies’ communication strategies. In the latter part of 2017, brands and influencers were forced to navigate a new media landscape following FTC regulations’ call for greater transparency around paid promotions. Public relations professionals will play a pivotal role in informing how brands and influencers work together and will continue to adapt the way they establish and leverage relationships. Fostering authentic relationships with key partners isn’t only buzz-worthy, but garners long-term success for marketing and campaign efforts.

  1. Thought Leadership Outside the C-Suite

Thought-leadership has long been a brand-building strategy, and in 2018, the thought leaders will be coming from outside the C-Suite. This shift avoids the pitfalls that come from changes in management and leadership while leveraging the audience’s trust in micro-influencers. These new voices will be coming from the accounting, production and sales departments to provide customers with diverse access points to a brand’s story. This trend also promises more opportunities for PR to leverage brand awareness.

Are you ready for it? We’re excited to adapt and grow within this new media landscape. Let us know your thoughts on Twitter @DureeCoPR!

About Durée & Company

Durée & Company, Inc. is an award-winning full-service public relations, marketing and special events firm with offices in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Aspen, Colorado. The firm serves the corporate, agency and non-profit arenas for local, national and international clients focusing on public relations for real estate, public relations for restaurantspublic relations for law firmspublic relations for charitiespublic relations for healthcare, and many more. Durée & Company services include Public Relations, Social Media, Marketing, Advertising, Special Events, and Radio Promotions and Outreach.

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