What’s in a blog? A lot. How many blogs are out there on a similar subject to yours? More than a lot. How important is it for your blog to stand out? Very, if you want lots of people to read it.
So, what are the keys to writing a good blog that many people will read, and that will draw attention to you or your company? The team at Fort Lauderdale PR agency Durée & Company (which, by the way, has written many blogs that have garnered lots of attention) offers the following best practices for writing a blog to get the most bang.
- Keep your word length to about 250–500. People are busy. And their attention spans are short. You can get your point across, and get people talking about your subject, in this amount of words. Also, select five to six keywords to include in the blog, to keep your readers coming back to you, and to stake your ground in SEO.
- Make sure your title is under 70 characters. Short, sweet and to the point. Use strong phrases that pack a punch ― such as “brilliant,” “things people hate,” etc. Use “who” and “why” in titles, which get higher CTRs (click-through rates). Think “10 Reasons Why People Hate the Media.” That’s what it takes to get readers’ attention.
- Post during high-activity daytime hours. This is typically before 11 a.m.
- Post at least once a week. You want to keep yourself top-of-mind, right?
- Provide content that is useful, succinct and interesting. Provide examples and narratives to support information. You want readers to leave your blog informed, not overwhelmed. At our Fort Lauderdale PR firm, while we do blogs on many exciting subjects, whether it’s for us or our clients, we always aim to inform. Take our blogs “3 Reasons Why Your Company Blog Matters,” and “3 Ways to Master Quality Content,” providing interesting info about what we are talking about right now.
Plus, always include a graphic or two. A visually appealing graphic is always a great way to draw readers to your blog.
Take it from us at D&Co ― blogs are important. They drive traffic to your website, bolster your SEO, position you as a leader in your field, and help you to create better relationships with your audiences. However, to make blogs effective, they need to be done correctly. After years of writing blogs, we know what works.
About Durée & Company
Durée & Company, Inc. is an award-winning full-service public relations, marketing and special events firm with offices in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Aspen, Colorado. The firm serves the corporate, agency and non-profit arenas for local, national and international clients focusing on public relations for real estate, public relations for restaurants, public relations for law firms, public relations for charities, public relations for healthcare, and many more. Durée & Company services include Public Relations, Social Media, Marketing, Advertising, Special Events, and Radio Promotions and Outreach.